When Should You Hire a Certified Tax Resolution Specialist? | How to Identify When It’s Time to Hire One

June 6, 2023


As a business owner or individual taxpayer, you may encounter a tax situation that requires specialized professional help to resolve. Knowing when you’re in hot water with the IRS beyond what a standard Certified Public Accountant can handle is crucial and can make or break your business and personal finances, as well as your future and overall well being.

It’s quite common for taxpayers, self-employed individuals, and small business owners to find out there’s a big discrepancy between the amount of taxes they believed they owed and the actual taxes owed by them according to the IRS.

In these situations, it can be beneficial to hire a Certified Tax Resolution Specialist, CTRS to help you navigate the complex tax system and achieve the best outcome against those tax issues. But when should you seek out tax problem solvers, and what tax services can they perform for you?

Let’s explore that. 

What Is a Certified Tax Resolution Specialist?

Most people go their entire lives not even realizing what a Certified Tax Resolution Specialist, CTRS is, how that service provider differs from tax attorneys and Certified Public Accountants, and will thankfully never require help beyond standard tax preparation.

For those unfortunate taxpayers who are fighting complex tax resolution cases, IRS representation from a CTRS is critical to reclaim their livelihood and lives. We recently covered exactly what a Certified Tax Resolution Specialist is and why they’re qualified to navigate these tough issues, but here’s a quick reminder:

A certified tax resolution specialist is a tax professional who specializes in helping individuals and businesses resolve tax problems with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). They are tax professionals who are trained in tax law and have experience dealing with tax problems such as unpaid taxes, tax liens, and wage garnishments. They can provide guidance and support to taxpayers throughout the entire tax resolution process, from negotiating with the IRS to developing a payment plan.

Their education and experience are extensive. Not just anyone can become certified to work with these complex matters, and the American Society of Tax Problem Solvers has strict guidelines for practitioners to meet in order to become a Certified Tax Resolution Specialist:

  • Foundational Background as CPA, EA, or Attorney
  • Comprehensive Two Part Exam
  • Continuing Professional Education Minimums
  • Strong Professional Character
  • Exhibit High Moral Standards
  • Extensive Experience Requirements

When Should You Hire a Certified Tax Resolution Specialist?

You should consider hiring a certified tax and tax problem resolution specialist if you are facing any of the following tax problems:

You Owe Back Taxes Beyond What You Can Pay

If you owe back taxes to the IRS, a CTRS can help you negotiate a payment plan that fits your budget and helps you avoid penalties and interest.

You Have Received a Tax Lien or Levy

If the IRS has placed a tax lien or levy on your property, bank account, or wages, a CTRS can help you negotiate with the IRS for lien or levy relief.

You Are Being Audited by the IRS

If you are being audited by the IRS, a tax resolution specialist can help you prepare for the audit, represent you during the audit, and negotiate with the IRS to minimize any penalties or fines, ensuring you pay the lowest amount possible allowed by law.

You Have Years of Unfiled Tax Returns

If you have unfiled tax returns, a tax resolution specialist can help you file the necessary returns to get back into compliance with the taxing authorities, even if you’re missing years of returns and necessary paperwork. Non-filer issues snowball, but a CTRS who is intimately familiar with these issues and strategies to overcome is more than able to help you recover.

You Have Received a Notice from the IRS

If you have received a notice from the IRS, you don’t have to face it alone. Technically, you don’t have to face it at all if you’ve engaged with a CTRS, as they can speak to the IRS on your behalf.

What Can Certified Tax Resolution Specialists Do for You?

A certified tax resolution specialist can provide a range of services to their clients to help resolve tax problems, including:

Negotiate with the Internal Revenue Service

A tax resolution specialist can negotiate with the IRS on your behalf to find a solution to your tax problem that works for you. Don’t even talk to the IRS – just put your worries in experienced hands, and let the professional guide you out of the IRS maze.

Help You Understand Your Rights

The continuing education and minimum experience requirements of CTRS professionals ensures that they know the complex tax codes backwards and forwards. Like an attorney would do in other courts, a CTRS makes certain your rights are maintained.

Develop a Payment Plan

Helping clients get their heads above water and back on the path to compliance usually involves some sort of payment plan, but not all are equal or possible for taxpayers to maintain. An experienced CTRS works diligently to determine a collectible status that suits the taxpayer.

What Issue Does the IRS Have With You?

When you ignore a tax problem with the IRS, the situation gets substantially worse with continued penalties compounding. The following issues are routine practice for tax experts like a CTRS:

  • IRS Audits
  • Innocent Spouse Relief
  • Penalty Abatement
  • Wage Garnishment
  • Bank Levies
  • Liens
  • Offer in Compromise

Face the Internal Revenue Service with Trusted Guidance and Extensive Experience On Your Side

If you are facing tax problems, it can be beneficial to hire a certified tax resolution specialist to help you navigate the complex tax system and find solutions to your tax issues. A tax resolution specialist can provide guidance and support throughout the entire tax resolution process, from negotiating with the IRS to developing a repayment plan. If you are unsure whether you need a tax resolution specialist, consider consulting with one to determine your options and find the best path forward.

The Process of Taxpayer Advocate Assistance

Some folks who are facing complex IRS issues understand that they could benefit greatly from guidance and strategy of a CTRS, but they’re still apprehensive and unsure of what the process actually looks like. As practitioners that use a thorough and focused hands-on approach, we are committed to making it as easy and painless as possible throughout this process:

Consult & Organize

We’ll sit down with you and review your current situation. You’ll walk us through the events and milestones that have taken place so we can devise a solid strategy going forward. We even help recreate missing or non-existent records.

Strategize & Plan

Preparation is the key to facing the IRS. Ample time is invested in mapping a solid plan and playing out the different scenarios. Throughout the process we gather information and resources as we explore every avenue possible. In the end you will have a case designed to bring about your desired resolution swiftly and effectively.

Finalize Terms

We will work directly with the IRS to negotiate the best settlement for your situation. We represent and fight not only for your financial relief but to release you from the emotional pain that comes with tax debt. Remember, your quality of life is at stake.

If you need help with techniques that stop IRS collections, slash the amount of tax you owe, allow you to pay off the IRS on your terms with affordable payments and permanently solve your tax problems, reach out to us to schedule a free 40-minute consultation that could save your finances, sanity, and future.
